November 14, 2003

One of the main themes of new progressivism is the attempt to identify and implement alternatives to globalization. This week in Paris, the European Social Forum has drawn around 60,000 to Paris for just that purpose. The gathering in Paris is part of a continuing process started in 2001 with the inauguration of the World Social Forum (WSF).

The WSF describes itself:

"The World Social Forum is an open meeting place where groups and movements of civil society opposed to neo-liberalism and a world dominated by capital or by any form of imperialism, but engaged in building a planetary society centred on the human person, come together to pursue their thinking, to debate ideas democratically, for formulate proposals, share their experiences freely and network for effective action (see the Charter of Principles)."

The next WSF gathering is in Mubai, India from January 16 through 21, 2004.

Be at peace.